| - I'm only giving this place one star because I can buy papaya for chicken soup without having to go into town.
Restaurant wise....I didn't like the experience at all. The first time my husband went into order, forgot the name, but the lady said to not get it because it's old. Uh, then why not take it out of the food line? Their turon has been good ONCE! All the other times I went to go buy, all in hopes of it being mushy the way I like wasnt. In fact, the banana was sooooo dry in there. Almost as if they used frozen banana or.something. I have no idea. Then the final straw as to why we will never eat here again, we ordered a medium bistek ala carte...I swear on a bible it looked like a small, there were like 4 pcs of meat, and the container was frickin drowning in oil!!! How the hell does a medium container only offer 4 pcs of meat, 4 chewy pcs of meat, 4 chewy pcs of meat soaking in oil, 4 chewy pcs of meat soaking in oil with alot of fat so really you weren't getting much mear. Aweful. I don't care if it's filipino food nearby, I'd make the drive rather than come here. More so, customer service can be iffy sometimes.
Oh, and their halo halo...don't even. It's an embarrassing item to eat from a filipino establishment. Even my 8 year old was the first to say, mom...this halohalo isn't good at all. It wasnt. Waste of money.
If you haven't tried halohalo at all...please don't make this place your first time.
Definitely not stroller friendly.