I've done this race the past two years and couldn't have had a better time. As a lifelong runner I've competed in more races than I could ever keep track of, and you'll be hard-pressed to find a more organized race. I've done the marathon last year and this year I did both the 5k and marathon, all of the races went off without issue.
A lot of that can be contributed to the organizers, but even more so to the great volunteers that the races have. Not only do they make sure runners are safe, but they also cheer everyone on and give so much support.
The organizers do a great job of integrating the community in each of the races, making sure to incorporate and showcase the best of what C-U has to offer. The best part? So much community support. There were people all throughout the course cheering everyone on and getting in on the spirit of the race. It speaks to how great this community is.
I can't find a single bad thing to say about the Illinois Marathon. It's so well done and offers races at distances that allow runners of all kind to compete. I'll definitely be back next year.