It is completely my mother's fault that I have become totally addicted to Maxim's pizza. Back when their location was in Euclid my mom would take me on my way home from skating lessons, sharing with me a bit of her own childhood (you know a place is good when it's managed to stay around this long - and NO that was not implying that my mom is old either!). Now that they have a location in Mentor I find that we frequent this amazing place much more frequently.
There is just something about this pizza - the flavors are good, the dough is delicious, and it's almost like the pieces just melt in your mouth! And every type of pizza they make is outstanding (trust me, I would know - I've tried them all!). I haven't tried any of the other food offerings, but if they're anything like the pizza then it has to be good! I'm just warning you now - it's WAAAYYY too hard to just have one piece!