First of all. I did not know that this place CLOSED DOWN! :,( seriously. All my hopes and dreams were crushed. I was so angry and sad when I found out that this sugar factory turned into a no good, over priced restaurant that doesn't even serve the closest thing that the sugar factory served. I've never been to the sugar factory and I was super excited to go... Only to find out ITS FREAKIN OUT OF BUSINESS. WHY?! Whyyyyy?!?! How can something to good go out of business?! How can the owner of sugar factory sell its business to some crappy no good overly priced restaurant?!
We asked the hostess if the place was like the sugar factory and she said yes it was similar. So we went inside, and saw the menu.... UM! COMPLETELY DIFFERENT! Yeah, the place is so similar to the sugar factory... NOT! (Sarcasm is necessary) I'm just so disappointed. This was going to be one of my highlights of visiting vegas. This is lame!