| - Ok, so this is a Yelp by proxy. A friend went to Med Express a couple weeks ago. She had a small red patch of itchiness. She payed $40 for these idiots to tell her she had ringworm. So she FREAKS! Douses herself in this creme that the prescribe for her, and waits.
and waits.
and waits.
Then about a week later. Holy effing monkeys! It is worse! How could it be worse? So she goes back. This time, not only does she see the PA, but also a nurse and the MD. You would think better results right? WRONG! They tell her its ringworm and its getting worse. keep using the creme. At this point, she talks to me about it and Im like... UMMM go to a real doctor, and refer her to my PCP.
Long story shorter, she ends up at a dermatologist. Dermatologist says well of course its getting worse it is OBVIOUSLY eczema not ringworm and the ringworm meds are drying it out and making it WAY worse than it would have ever been on its own.
So, 2 trips to MedExpress, 2 incorrect diagnoses, $80+ meds/lotions lost, and a month of pain and suffering all because these people tried to diagnose something they obviously had no clue about. Way to go on your Hippocratic Oath, I'm pretty sure there is something in there about do no harm and if you don't know what you are talking about STFU!
DON'T GO HERE for anything other than a runny nose, they might amputate your arm or something.