I have done this exhibit a few times and really enjoyed it. Came back recently after 8 years. Its pretty much the same, a few new things. Just a quick note: you get a free audio tour when you check in on yelp. Anyhow, you get two pictures taken before you go in and an option for another during the tour. You walk through it, so you can take your time. You get a boarding pass with a name on it and information about that person. At the end you can find out if you survived or not. There is a gift store. They are a little pricey but have some cool things. Pictures are currently $20 for the first then $10 each after that. It may change, I don't know. You get $5 off if you have the Mlife card. Located in the Luxor on the second floor. There is two places you can buy tickets. You better off going to the booth right next to the exhibit. Much faster. For kids it ok, but there is a lot of reading involved and may be a little boring for younger kids. There is a giant iceberg they can tough though.