I went to this establishment for the first time over the weekend. I had 1 order of wings which were good, and 3 beers, and my total was over $50. OK, i did order a seasonal beer, and was well aware of how expensive it is to purchase, but when the markup is well over 100% I believe that is outrageous. I had expected it to be no more than $11 or 12 a bottle, imagine my surprise when I got my bill and I had paid $16 a bottle. I will not return to this establishment just because of this, I understand needing to make a profit, but this is just robbery. I know I can buy a case of what I drank for $83 a case meaning each bottle would cost me $6.92 each(12 bottles to a case), and I am sure since they buy product in bulk they get an even better price than I do at the distributor.