I called this morning to ask about the price of a spay/neuter, Angela informed me that it was $380-400 for a spay. I said "hmm that's high, down the street they charge $50." She said something like well I am not sure but that is our price and we will not lower the price for you and started to get mad. I never asked for the price to be lowered just wondering why places have such a difference in prices, wanted to figure it out and was taking a moment to think. She then had an attitude and told me they would not lower the price again and if I didn't need anything else, have a nice day, and hung up.
I immediately called back and she answered again. I said "I know it's Monday, but your job is to be nice and answer the phones nicely and I would like to speak to your manager." Angela got heated and told me that the manager was too busy and I could email and that I had a tone.
Just an awful first impression over the phone. I will not be going here. Scary! Wow.