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If Trader Joe's & Whole Foods had a baby, it would be Natural Grocers dorky, red headed cousin.
Thank you, Yelp!, for putting this place on my radar!
There's so much good stuff going on!
Fresh & frozen foods, nuts & candies, organic juices, etc., your typical food items, but they also have well stocked aisles of homeopathic medicines, essential oils detox tinctures, natural/organic bath & skin products for adults and babies, vitamins/shakes/lotions/ get it!
The layout of the store flows, nicely. The aisles are not narrow and are well lit. The floor is clean, the shelves are clean and the products aren't dusty.(huge personal pet peeve)
They also offer FREE in-store classes & events. You don't have to actually make a purchase to take advantage of these classes, either. Just sign up & show up!
The events or classes change monthly and some examples have been:
* local Naturopathic Dr. came to discuss natural & alternatives for health
* They sometimes have in-store cooking classes
October's event calendar has an offer at the top for $5 off your next purchase if you attend five of their FREE classes!
Check out the website link here on Yelp!, but definitely go in person and you'll have a much better idea of the quality & scope of the product selection they have.
My reviews have never been this lengthy. Not for the positive ones.
Isn't it true of most of us that the negative reviews go on forever, yet the positive experience doesn't typically get more than the 5 stars and a quick "This place is great!"?
Final thought...
I went in hoping to find two specific EO's (which they had! ) and spent almost an hour just taking it all in!
Plus, I walked out with this sweet reusable bag since it was my 1st visit to the store!
That reminds me.....the store is bagless, but they do have some empty cardboard boxes to use in a pinch!