First things first, I'm so happy there's a PT's up here now. I'm starting to feel like we're really a part of Vegas!
Just went in there for the first time tonight. Friendly staff, good atmosphere; really clean and brightly lit. Felt good to be in there. Some PT's can be all dim and smokey and gross; but this one definitely wasn't. HUGE plus for me.
That being said; it's PT's. It's a bar with some food. I already read some reviews bashing the food selection (which probably attributes to the low rating this place has so far). Look, it's a bar. Sports and alcohol. If you're expecting lobster it's your fault, not theirs. PT's has burgers, fries, onion rings, pizzas, and more than likely the best wings in town! Don't believe me? Try the gold fever boneless wings and see if I'm lying.
This place is great. I just got home from here 20 minutes ago and I'm debating going back right now for another order of wings.. but why are they $13?!