On my first visit here in February 2015; I was excited and fell in love with the place. It was actually the first time I visited this mall in years since either 2001 or '02. On my pervious visit here at Monroeville Mall which was last year; TBH I'm not sure when, it was I hate to say it... Another story. First I was disappointed that DQ and Orange Julies left the food court (although from what I'm seeing now; it was replaced with an Icy Roll creamery I think, I don't know if it's like a chain store or not; but they did also have one at Ross Park); second of all: I've noticed a lot more storefronts emptied (especially near the J.C. Penny/Dick's part of the mall) which kinda made me a little more disappointed and depressed about the place. A shame though -- this place used to kick ass back in the day! Plus with its storied history for playing a roll in movies (especially in the original "Dawn of the Dead" from 1978); as well as many other things, this mall is literally a Pittsburgh area landmark period! And third and most upsetting of all; I lost my Kindle Fire tablet which cost $100.00 and I'm afraid I might have "accidently" threw it away in the garbage when I got done eating in the food court! Either that; or someone stole it -- and I'm pretty sure many of you know all the crazy stuff that happened in this mall in the past 3-4 years... It would surprise me.
However on the positive side: they just opened a brand new Pandora jewelry store in the new-wing of the mall (you know... The one that leads towards the theater?). So hopefully that is actually gonna help the mall out in the future. After all; we're talking about a pretty high-end upscale store! Also with the addition of an all new go-kart course in the former Dick's space in the annex; plus it's also the first one of its kind in the whole Pittsburgh metropolitan region in Pennsylvania! There are still plenty of things to do! I hoping they will eventually bring back Aeropostale and maybe even open some more high-end retailers along with it. It sure would be nice if they were to open an Apple and Microsoft store in the mall! There are also a couple other new retailers that have also opened in the mall since then as well. At least I can agree on a couple of things... They still managed to keep plenty retro décor and "ascetics" that was original to the mall since it's opening nearly 50 years ago back in 1969! Yes I know people would say; it looks too dated for their own "specialness" I'd like to call it. They all seem to claim the terrazzo flooring in the mall (which actually is mostly original from '69) is too dated and they would 'rather have laminated wood flooring or tiling' for whatever reason 'thru-out the whole mall'. I'd say (please don't sue me Yelp) they are full of shit! Yes I know it ain't no fucking Ross Park; and it certainty ain't no King of Prussia either -- but what would you expect from a region of Pittsburgh that is usually middle class or even upper-middle class?! But hey look on the bright side!... At least it ain't no C3 either, and I am absolutely certain that Monroeville Mall will most likely make it to its' 50th year in operation unlike C3 which probably won't even make it to its 40th. And if C3 does make to 40 years; I would be absolutely shocked! No lie!
In my ending statement on my review and update on the mall; I would like to say a couple of things... I would rather shop at Monroeville instead of Ross Park Mall because 1) everything at Ross Park is way and I mean WAY TOO OVERPRICED! 2) It's not as overrated as Ross Park is. 3) Even though it's further away from Ross Park and where I live (which happens to be Butler, PA); it's still in my opinion easier to get to. And last and not at least 4) I would rather stay as far away from McKnight (or as many would call it "McNightmare") Road as possible due to the insane traffic it has thru-out the whole day! In the end it's your choice... If you're one of those people who are into high-end overpriced luxury items and fads - then Ross Park Mall is your bet... However if you're looking for something a little more family friendly and not too expensive and off the beaten path (as well as into zombie films and pop-culture) and a little more nostalgic - then hit up Monroeville Mall! At least I'm hearing they are slowly improving (keywords: slowly improving).