Ok, this review is going to sound silly but, I have to be me, lol!
The goldfish passed away last year so we still had all the stuff & out of nowhere my daughter says she wants a Beta. Ya know those sad droopy fish in lonely cups on the shelves in stores everywhere?
So one day when we were in the area we popped in this store to see what they had. Surprisingly there was a big selection of different breeds. They were absolutely beautiful. I was mildly impressed. So she chose one & we brought it home. No big deal, right? Well I've heard of fish with "personalities" but for all that I've had over the years I've never owned one. Until now! Those Betas must be bred by someone who actually cares. We had to go back for 2 more. They are (I can't believe I'm going to talk about fish like this) dare I say - playful? They dance & beg for food like dogs, they will jump up and "high five you" (I'm sure they are jumping for a snack) and follow your finger on the side of the tank. It's crazy, they are by far the most vibrant, healthy little Betas I've seen! They would be a great choice for that first fish for a little kid! I'm adding a photo of one of the lids so you are sure not to get one of the sad Betas by mistake!
A little tip for those that are new to fish those little moss balls they sell 3/$5 help keep the water much cleaner!