This is pure evilness. But GOOD evil.
I had the tuna sandwich one of their pseudo healthy meal together with ultra healthy vegetable - potato fries. I asked the server if she would recommend cheese on tuna and her response was "I don't know". See he difference between fast food and sit down dinners?
The tuna burger was great but like any tuna sandwich, it leaves a gross after taste. Thankfully, I am not meeting anyone after. I smell like a mermaid.
The patio seating is cool but there are plenty of comfortable seats inside. My visit exceeded my expectation only because I thought it would be crappy. I was wrong. It was adequate. Three star for ACME!
Oh... what's the difference between sit down and fast food?
Server to you conversation:
Fast food = I don't care.
Sit down = order more so I can get more tip.