| - This review is not for the store, because the store is fine and I like it. Even though there is no starbucks here. It is still a nice store.
My review today is for the Pharmacy. What a disaster I had here.
Proving once again that the Target store on 44th street is the very best one to go to for your scripts.
I came here on the 4th to drop off 2 scripts to be filled. They did not have one of them and so they would have to order it. Fair enough, I understand that.
Great,I will pick them both up on Saturday. They called me on Friday which was very nice to say they did not receive the item and would get it on Tuesday.
Thank you for calling me and saving me time. I am very grateful for that. So Tuesday Afternoon I go to Target to get my 2 scripts.
Ryan, my cashier finds them, rings them up,I pay, and then he disappears without telling me what is going on and not giving me my scripts.????
I am standing at the counter waiting not knowing what exactly is going on.
In the mean time, down the other end of the glassed in counter,2 men are leaning over the glass talking to the Female pharmacist. About what I don't know but, they are not in uniform, so I am guessing they do not work there.
Another cashier(female) asks me , Have I been helped. Well ,yes, and I have paid ,but, I do not have my pills and not sure what is going on.
She leaves to ask,as now Ryan is also down the other end with the the Pharmacist and the 2 men leaning over the glass portion.
One of the men,not in uniform yells down to me, She is changing your pills ,it will just be a min.
WTF?? People I never say this, but this was the worst customer service ever and it gets better. Who is that guy and why does he have his hand in my dealings???
Ryan comes back and apologizes for going MIA and explains that they had given me the wrong thing. yeah Ryan for catching that for me. So I really do not blame him. I am grateful that he caught it.
Then comes the Pharmacist, Alda,Or something similar. She says have my name then I come up to the counter and she starts yelling at the cash register.
It just goes on and on,I don't want to bore you with all the details. All I can say is not professional. I did not like the entire episode so I won't be getting any scripts there again. Sorry for so long of a story.
But, when it comes to medical of any kind. I want professionalism.