| - Your computer is running SLLLLLOOOOOWWWW. Lots of lag time with pages downloading, and when you compose messages and emails of any kind, it only allows you to type o n e l e t t e r a t a t i m e...Anyone who has owned a PC long enough recognizes the symptoms, and what they mean. Corruption. Infection. VIRUSES. About two weeks ago, mine started doing it, and I knew that if I didn't do something about it, I was in for some serious trouble. I have had my laptop for less than a year, although I tend to do a lot of Yelping, Facebooking, 'Tumblr'-ing, shopping, and uhm..."shopping" on it. (Yeah...let's call that "shopping"...)
Anyway, my partner, Bear, had found this little shop off West Sahara called Supertech, when his Mac went out on him. The owner/head tech, Lem Aligaen, not only found there was nothing wrong, but didn't even charge him more than the basic $25 just to do an overall check. (It turned out to be a browser bug, not a hardware glitch.)
But you know me, folks...I gotta do stuff "the HARD way". So before I finally took my 'baby' in to see Lem at Bear's recommendation, first I tried to use one of those services that's advertised on TV all the time, for 'cleaning your PC.' I got the runaround, got to waste time talking to people whose first language was definitely NOT English, to put it delicately, and then I was subjected to PowerPoint-based "scare tactics",which outlined that it would cost at LEAST $399 to cleanse my hard drive of electronic diseases, PLUS I would have to send my PC to GEORGIA, on my own dime, where the repairs would take a MINIMUM of twelve days to perform. I hung up on those suckers, tout suite!
And when Bear mentioned Lem and Supertech, I didn't have to think about it more than two seconds.
If's quite a jaunt by bus if you have no wheels, and it sits back off the road, in the middle of a bunch of other shops where you wouldn't think to find a computer repair place. But Lem was friendly and knowledgable. And FAST! When he asked me when I needed it back, I said I wouldn't mind picking it up on the following Monday or Tuesday (I dropped it off on a Wednesday), which Lem agreed was enough time.
He called me to let me know it was ready that FRIDAY. And did it cost me $399? Nope.
Ninety bucks. And yes, you're reading that right.
So if you have PC troubles, bypass the hassles I went through - and that includes going to see "the 'GEEK SQUAD'". Go see Lem first. You'll probably be able to pat yourself on the back for being that smart...