Getting back into the mix with gym life, this place appealed to me for a few reasons. I suppose I'll just roll with some pros and cons.
Pros -
20.00 a month membership you can bring a guest everytime!
Membership includes tanning beds
Membership included massage chairs
It's more of a beginner / no judgement feel
TV's visible and free wifi
They are all about feel good no matter if you look good.
Not enough free weights
I know they aren't into the meat head feel but maybe just a few free weight bench presses and some higher weight bells.
As a big dude, I'm not looking to get yoked but I'm just bigger ya know?
All in all, I signed on to this club because I'm a social butterfly and I can bring my friends when I want to. I am not a meat head but I will need larger weights in let's say.... A year... If I'm still sticking to the regiment.