It took a lot of courage to eat here after seeing that they were recently shut down due to a cockroach infestation. Apparently they were featured on a show called "dirty dining" as well. Well, their proximity to my hotel and the lack of good Indian food where I live allowed me to make a very trepidatious visit. Sadly, not worth it. The food was very much on the bland side, service was amateur, and when I presented them the Yelp 10% discount, they requested that I give them a positive review. Well, here's your review guys.
Other things of note, the restaurant was nearly empty on a Saturday night at 7pm, and the restrooms could have been cleaner.
Fortunately, I saw no evidence of roaches in my palak paneer, but I certainly paused to wonder if they might have inadvertently been serving a few cockroach curries that evening. The food did not sit well in my stomach.