I'm not sure where to start but I'll keep as short and simple as possible.
1. Took a suit to get dry cleaned and tailored. They forgot to dry clean it. What?
2. Because they forgot to dry clean it, they felt compelled to lie to me and said they did. Heavy stains did not look touched at all. Makes it worse if you said you did and didn't remove the stains.
3. Implied that I should pay again if I want it cleaned again. What?
4. Round 2 - suit now appears to be clean only to take it home and find out that there is now white and gray dust all over the back. A gift from their ancestors?
5. Tailoring seemed to be fit to measurements requested... yet the suit now looks as though it's been washed in a washing machine.
Lesson learned: Don't trust this place with your nice suits. Anything at all actually. Maybe I just have bad luck?