| - I had one of the funnest nights out with a friend here once. Since then, I've had hit and miss nights. First of all, for anyone planning to stop in here, this is one of THE smokiest bars in the city. I'm not a smoker, so when I go out I at least like to know what I'm getting into (and realizing that my clothes will be unwearable the next day). However, this place is a hole in the wall on Forbes in Squirrel Hill, and it's a great place to grab some friends, grab a booth, and grab a pitcher or two for a night. I'm not sure if they still do this, but they use to have board game nights where a different game is placed at each booth. Board games + beer = perfect night of fun. I've had some good bar food there as well, and from I remember it's not too pricey. There is a great selection of bottled beer, and a pretty average tab variety. I do remember the service not being incredible, but as long as you're with your peeps and do pitchers, you'll be happy. The wood booths and tables give the bar a homey, smokey feel. There is also an upstairs that is open from time to time if the place gets crazy. I've had trouble before finding a booth open on a Saturday night.