I was at a coffee shop in Tempe trying to get some work done, but its Internet had crapped out. I turned to my phone, hoping to find another coffee shop nearby. I know Cartel is nearby, but I hoped for something else. Sure enough, I spied this "Infusion" place right near my old Four Peaks Brewery hangout.
It looks like the area along the old railroad tracks is getting some much-needed love, and Infusion is just one new-looking business that's opened. I saw signs outside advertising two different types of cold brew on tap. I have a hard time resisting cold brew on tap, so that's what I chose rather than my default cappuccino.
It was a very rich, chocolately cold brew. If you ever need to stay up for 137 hours, drink a few of these. The barista helped me choose which cold brew to order with very solid descriptions of their taste. I'm looking forward to trying the other drinks at Infusion.
It is a smaller space, and not quite as comfy or roomy as a few others (especially if you have a small person). But it's definitely a nice space, and they're clearly into making top-quality coffee drinks.