| - I don't think I ever wrote a review for this Life Time, if I did, it probably got deleted. I joined because it was close to home and heard good things about the gym when I was in Chicago, but I guess the location does matter. If you expect to have the same customer service like in a big city you're mistaken. I joined and they told me they have to have a trainer talk to me about my goals, I told them I didn't want to speak to a trainer, but I guess it was part of their process. The trainer I was working with I can't remember his name for the life of me, but he was dreadful.
When the trainer was asking me questions "to get to know me", he kept staring off in the distance at someone else, while I was talking!! I could tell he really didn't care. He made me feel completely dumb and worthless. I gave him my goal weight and he told me that I needed to lose more, uhm excuse me!!!?? After this I complained and he was informed about it and started giving me looks each time I would come in. I didn't feel comfortable being at that gym anymore... one time I was walking down the hallway and he was with the other trainer talking about something the second I walk passed they stop talking, stare at me, and then start whispering... no clue if it was about me, but regardless it was unbelievably unprofessional. I cancelled my membership with 48 hours. They didn't even try to keep me as a member, pretty much just said, sorry to see you go and have a good day. Never again.