I really wish there could be zero stars because that is what this place deserves. This place will charge you every little fee. One fee not mentioned in the comments is the $100 fee to speed up the minister that has 10 business days to actually turn in it to the recorders office. I am 6 months pregnant and have complications and since I am married I no longer have my insurance previously. I called and told them our story and why we need the minister to turn it in. Unfortunately I would have to spend an additional $100 which I don't have. So now I have to wait 10 business days and since I don't live here the shipping will be more 10 days in addition to the two weeks to process our order. So I won't have insurance for about a month at an at risk pregnancy. Don't go here ! All they care about is money. Even though I paid the minister fee and staff fee that was over an additional $100. Pathetic