| - I would think twice about doing business with them. Bought the deal from Groupon for $40, and it listed everything that comes with the deal, which included an X-ray, 30min massage, spine manipulation, etc....came to the office and the doctor never told me they would charge me an additional $40 for the X-Ray. He said he was going to do the X-ray and I took all my earrings off and bra, but he never said it would cost me more. He literally cracked my neck and back in one area and his part was over. Not sure why they charge so much since the doctor spends like 5min with you and the machine does all the rest. He brought me to the receptionist who initially messed my appointment up, so the doctor had to schedule it for me. We ended up texting which already was a red flag that a doctor texts his own patience. The receptionist says it will be $40.... I was shocked and confused... Huh?
I gave her my card because I'm a nice person and didn't want to fight or ague, but I was so furious at that point that they would make me pay while I am still in treatment. I asked her what the charge is for and she said for the X-ray and I told her the doctor never told me this. By the way, the doctor was standing on the other side of the desk where I couldn't see him, but I knew he was there. She apologized to me and didn't really care, doctor didn't say a word even though I knew he heard me. He couldn't have clarified it right then and there?
I ended up walking towards the door because I was so confused on what is next. They didn't do a good job explaining what is next. This is my first time I had no idea. The list on groupon seems very long compared to the services I had which lasted less then 20 min. I went on the spine decompression which was a horrible experience. After it ended my back was hurting even more!! The massage therapist there I forgot his name saw the pain I was in and took me to his room and helped me stretch. He was very sweet in doing this and I thank him very much for going out of his way to help me! May god be with you! Thank you for that.
Unfortunately I woke up and my back was 2X worse after that experience and I called groupon to get my money back, which they apologized and refunded my money. I called the doctor and it was a complete disaster! I can't believe what a cheap doctor he is that he can't refund me my $40, which he practically stole from me! He makes so much money and $40 is too much for him to give his patient back? He tricked me, I don't know the terms he was using. I'm not a doctor. He never said it would cost me an additional $40 for the X-ray. It wasn't on any of the papers that I signed. He lied to me. Please everyone be careful of this doctor! He will talk you into coming back for 6 weeks and discounts the price to $1,300 instead of $5,000.
This is a chiropractor!! This is not a legit doctor who can diagnose you!!! He should be ashamed to call himself a doctor. Talking to him was difficult he kept taking over me and ended up cutting the line. He can hard earned $40. He lost a patient for $40, not a very smart doctor. He could have given me my money back and I would come back periodically, but he chose to lose me as a customer completely. I will make sure to tell everyone I know about my experience. No one not even my worst enemy deserves to be treated like this. Can't stand people who think just because they have a degree they're kings or something. People are people. Once this doctor figures that out he might be able to get his business out of the hole!!
Good luck!!!!