So I decided to go to this car wash and give it another shot. This time I witnessed them drive my corvette up on the curb crushing the from area of my car. The driver got out looked at the front end then got back in my car and reversed it. I called their supervisor out to deal with this mess and Later identified as virab zakaryan. Virab basically started to argue with me. He then refused to provide me insurance information. I repeated asked several times. Basically this is escalating to the point of hit and run in my opinion. I politely asked for their information. I also had witnesses. The manager called metro to tell them I'm disturbing their business too then lied to me and said he called for a traffic police report. I knew that was a lie because police do not investigate private property accidents. Police came and finally they were able to get information from him of their insurance etc.... that manager told police that I was a difficult person from last time. I figured because I wrote the truth on yelp of my last experience and they didn't like it. I thank metro for coming out, I do not like the fact desert car wash falsely report a crime against me to try to trespass me for them not waiting to deal wish a car accident they committed. In no way do you smoke a cigarette in the presence when you are dealing with customers either. This is my two cent go their at your own risks.