Let me first start out with the front-line employees I have never had an issue with their great. They have good customer service and speedy at the checkout lines and very friendly while stocking the shelves and freezers, so front-line employees are great. However, the management team must clock out and go home right at closing time. Because unfortunately they were at least 10 customers waiting in each line and my line in particular had 10 people to include myself all waiting for some "mysterious manager" to come out of the back. Which he/she never did I waited in line along with the other nine individuals in a line for approximately 17 minutes. He/She never arrived so, I called from my cell phone to have the manager paged because I over hear the young cashier stating she/he ignored his request to help. There was another cashier that was supposed to be going home came over and started helping us. She was over the age of 21 and the gentleman in the front of the line was purchasing a bottle of wine so that is why we were waiting for the manager, shame on you.