I just got done with the most high pressure, no knowledge, bullshit experience of my automotive life. I went to discount tires to have them change out a tire that I previously had. It was a perfectly good tire and they quoted me $20. When I got there I was told that for my own safety they refused to do it. Holy melodrama. When I asked him wasn't it a better tire than the shredded rubber on my current tire, he looked at me cluelessly and said he refused to answer that question. What. The. Hell.
Meanwhile Costco had specifically given me the tire back telling me it was an excellent tire for short-term use. That was about a year ago where it's been sitting safely in in a bag in my garage.
I came to Big O Tire and the gentlemen politely told me it was the wrong size. He look at the tire and said "ma'am this isn't even the right size. " Something Captain BS Safety and Discount didn't even notice before he launched in to full sales mode.
All Discount Tires cares about is selling you as many tires as they can, giving a false sense of fear for high-pressure sales and obviously zero flipping knowledge. Stay away from his place at all costs. There's a big O tires not 500 yards away where they were awesome in every way.