Walked through infamous customer lacking service TSA security this morning and overheard two TSA management staff in conversation about a lady in security giving attitude. After my string of horrible experiences with the sky harbor TSA. I wanted to ask the smirky two TSA management staff leaning back on the machines. How their conversation and crisp entitled attitudes help create a better environment? If you trained your TSA staff better and had continuity in your screening processes. If you had clear viewable signs/website promoting your random weekly -if not daily security changes, so all passengers would not be caught off guard while going thru security. You may not have the passenger attitudes you create. I realize their are just stupid people who fly but the majority of the questionable stupidity and mind blowing self entitled, unreasonable attitudes center around and in TSA itself.
I wonder if the older man before me who was randomly chosen for screening is still waiting for an agent to come over and open the screening cage?
I've Been there before. Always a TSA cluster F***.