My Wife Kathryn Kaur-Banks and I are still what I would consider inexperienced first time homeowners; that being said, you could imagine my frustration when I found out through the grapevine that the H.O.A. was notifying everyone in the neighborhood that it was time repaint the exterior of their homes. I'm not here to rant on the frustrations of dealing with an H.O.A. though; I am here to give an honest review and endorsement of A.P.C.{Arizona Painting Company}. As I said, being first time homeowners, my wife Kathryn Kaur-Banks and I didn't want to fall into the mistake of dealing with a shyster. The emphasis was on finding quality work for a fair price and A.P.C. really delivered on all fronts. My wife and I received 3 quotes on the house; APC wasn't the cheapest and weren't the highest either. What really impressed us is that their estimator(Nick Ballejos) seemed the most professional while also being the most up front, honest, and detailed about all of the services which he expected to render to our home in giving us the best paint job that we could ask for. Our home was a two day process which involved a crew of four very friendly good gentlemen who I would be remiss without thanking within this review: Mike, Javier, Jersey Chris, and Octavio were not only on time but early on the second day!!! I hadn't even had lunch and they were already giving us the final walk-through on the final results!!! Rosie On The House was right; these guys are the real deal!! I really dreaded everything that comes with the thought of getting the house painted until Arizona Painting Company proved to me that this was an investment which we should have made sooner!!! Thanks again Arizona Painting Company.