| - I have moved into a new house and was pleased that a Home Depot was close by (The
Stockyards). In early April, I met with a designer who came to my home to provide advice
on window coverings. I was told it would 10 days for the blinds I wanted to come in. One
month later, the blinds arrived and were installed. There was some frustration re
communicating with HD about all this.
Still... I returned to HD to purchase shower doors and their installation on May 23rd.
Lovely service by someone who checked to see if the doors were in stock. They were. I
was told I'd get a call in one to two days with info on when doors will be installed. I
did get a call - five days later, from the installer.
Installer asked me if I knew if the doors were in stock. I told him I was told they were. Installer said he'd come Friday, June 2nd between 10am and 2pm. I stayed home waiting.
At 3pm, installer left a voicemail to say the doors were not in stock and that I should call the store to figure out what's going on. Or call him back. They didn't provide the service, but I have to do follow-up work?
I've sent all the above to the email address listed on my receipt, should I have any questions. I sent the email Thursday, June 2nd. Haven't heard back in four days.
It's now Monday and I went on the website and that little tiny chat feature popped up, so I gave it a try. For your future reference (and sanity), I'll recommend you don't do this.
My chat agent was unhelpful and defensive. After not helping me with anything, he asked if there's any further assistance I needed. I said "with respect, you haven't actually helped me with anything". I'm sorry for Chat agent. I'm sure he's treated as badly as I am. I asked, for example, for a name and direct phone number for a manager at the store. I was told the Chat agents don't have that information.
Then I called the store directly and spoke to someone who told me that the sales woman maybe gave away my doors, or that another sales person saw they were spoken for, but possibly 'stole' them for another customer. Bad practice.
This person told me that the manager would call me back by end of day. No manager ever called, although this fellow did and kudos to him for his efforts. He found the doors that the installer couldn't. Assured me they were secured and waiting just for him; just for me.
Well past six pm, I got a voicemail from the installer asking me to call him back to reschedule the doors that now, suddenly, he has. I called him this morning and he says he'll come June 15th. I bought the doors and the installation services May 23rd. That's a 24-day loan of $1,000.
Home Depot claims that their installation services are "reliable and worry free". I want to wait to post, pending outcome of this arrangement, but feel I should just leave this here and maybe return to follow up.
I just relocated back to Toronto and bought a new house. Lots of projects in the future. Will I be shopping at Home Depot for any of them? Not a chance.