| - My sister and I went there for lunch on a Tuesday. We needed some time to talk about school loans and the birth control industrial complex. I had a perfectly lovely cobb salad with perfect bacon. My sister showed me her new day planner she had purchased from some activist collective, it had a lot of ink drawings of mushrooms, and a menstrual cycle calendar, but I thought it was odd they hadn't taken the time to mark certain holidays on the calendar, like International Workers Day or Cesar Chavez's birthday. Our waitress had beautiful enamel earrings that looked like painted buttons. She walked by us to another table with the 4 cutest miniature cupcakes on a plate, they looked like fake cupcakes you would leave on the kitchen table in a dollhouse. My sister mentioned how she needed the food to kick in and up her blood sugar. I suggested she get a hot chocolate to go, but when we ordered two, she changed her mind and got a double espresso. The to-go espresso cup was the most adorable paper vessel ever. It was as if you sent a Dixie Cup to charm school in Paris.
We got in the car, and started driving down Lorain avenue. I asked her if she wanted me to pour some of the chocolate in her espresso, she declined. I finally took a sip of my hot chocolate.
"Carrie, you have to try this."
I handed it to her.
"Oh My God."
"I know"
"That tastes like an Easter bunny."
"It tastes like Lily's hot chocolate, it's so good."
"It's SO good."
We drove in silence for a few minutes. I tried to sip the chocolate slowly, and roll it around my mouth, coat my tongue with it.
"Bridget, I changed my mind, I do want hot chocolate in my espresso."
I filled her little perfect paper espresso cup almost to the brim. But I really really didn't want to.It was a beautiful post rain afternoon. I wished that I had a little silver coffeepot of this hot chocolate, and a cushioned porch swing with a very warm blanket, and the whole day to sit around and read.