Attended Oyster Festival Sunday, 11/15. Nice idea and a fair number of people attended so it looks like oysters are popular. Now the down side and I'm point this out only as a means of constructive criticism for next year's planning of this event. Attendees had 2 options for oysters. #1 a steamed basket (maybe 10 in the basket, and #2 grilled (8 oysters) for $10 each order. There were no directional signs telling people which line was for the steamed and/or which line was for the grilled. We purchased one order for each selection of oysters and my husband and I got in the line that appeared to be for the steamed baskets and after being in line for about 40 minutes we struck up a conversation with the couple in front of us and they said they purchased 1 order of each and was wondering if they could get both orders in the line they were in because the line was moving very slowly and the other line was moving even more slowly. We all talked and decided that they could not possibly make you pick up your order from one line and then have to go to the other line...but we were wrong. Bottom line, we waited in line for about 40 minutes and then learned that we would have to go over to the other line where we waited for about an hour. The grill used for grilling was WAY too small. So for future planning the vendor should use a VERY LARGE grill. There was no other option for food so if you didn't want oysters you were out of luck. I would suggest having 3-4 food trucks for next year. The only beverage available was beer at the cost of $6 for a cup. The beer was very much overpriced and I suggest that they have other beer vendors and beverage vendors.