I just had my first session removing a hideous tattoo on my left wrist and some script on my right wrist that doesn't carry meaning to me anymore. Dr. Mundt immediately made me so feel comfortable during my consultation that I decided to start my first session then and there. I will admit that I was absolutely horrified of the pain... I had seen YouTube videos and read testimonials online about the excruciating amount of pain that occurs with tattoo removal. I am SO HAPPY to say that I barely felt ANY pain during my session. Dr. Mundt took the time to carefully numb the tattoo areas and made sure I couldn't feel a thing before starting. I almost started crying from happiness when I realized how easy this process was going to be. Unfortunately it'll be a little over a year until I have the results I want, but well worth it for the care and empathy I received from Dr. Mundt. I just had to hug her at the end of the session!