Well its a Tuesday evening and I got here around 6pm, optimal happy hour time and day. I ask for specials and the bartender tells me only and . Mind you he says it rather begrudgingly but nothing on cocktails. I ask if they have Coke or Pepsi and he says only pepsi products after answering annoyingly and rolling his eyes. whatever, he's a dick and I'm here on a work trip so i order a jack and diet. He tells me it's 10.74, no 10.24 , then comes back with a receipt and it's $9.74 for a god damn Jack and diet. He makes an absolutely weak drink and gives me my change. I tip him and his attitude immediately changes and now he ask what else I need, 3x now. I get tourist don't tip but the change in level of service base on tips being so apparent absolutely frustrates me. Bad service, expensive, and overpriced drinks. 3 stars only cuz of the prime location