| - SWIHA really does have it all. Insane, inexpensive massages, great yoga classes, meditation classes, and curriculum that is life-changing and basically non-existent anywhere else.
I have received massages twice here and not only are they super cheap but they give a student discount! The yoga classes are inexpensive as well and I have never found one I didn't enjoy.
So far I have taken 3 nutrition classes that have completely changed my life and am signed up to continue the rest of the holistic nutrition program. My husband and I are also signed up for the whole foods cooking classes that we both are dying to start in September as well as a meditation and mindfulness class that we can not stop talking about. Everybody is extremely welcoming and very helpful. It is such a breeze to make a payment, sign up/change your classes, and everyone always has a smile on their face!
All classes can be taken individually (as opposed to being enrolled in a program or requiring prerequisites) and most are only 1 day/night a week for about 5 weeks so it's not a huge commitment. Many classes are offered online as well. SWIHA is an incredible place to meet tons of really awesome people and learn so much more than you expected regarding health, wellness, nutrition, spirituality, herbalism, etc! They also give out guest passes so you can sit in on any class before signing up which is so helpful.
I have not tried Southwest Institute of Natural Aesthetics yet but plan on it VERY soon!