I bought this skin tighting on the neck area. As I went for all 3 treatments, "* $279 ($800 value) for three laser skin-tightening treatments for the face or neck" Gazelle had told me when I went for the first treatment that it would not help for the any of the fine lines I had in my neck. I was so bummed that I had bought 3 of these and spent almost $300 and I wasn't going to get any results. The thing that made me so mad after re-reading the living social deal it specifically says, "will gently and noninvasively help lessen the appearance of stubborn wrinkles and fine lines." That's extremely miss leading and obviously not the case. I went for all 3 treatments and she would show me after lasering half my neck and I could see nothing, their was no change. Needless to say, very disappointing in the way they are being so misleading. They were friendly and nice but got nothing accomplished, and just threw away $300.