"Hey Giambi, I've got money on you this year!"
What kind of place kicks out 10 grown men from dinner that they've already ordered for being too obnoxious? I mean we're hotel guests for Christ's sake. Isn't it normal for a group of people to each have well over 10 drinks before the sun sets and then want to go have a classy dinner at a nice hotel? Well apparently it's not ok to be piss drunk, cat call at women and stand up and yell stuff at the Oakland A's as they exited their team dinner, at least not at the Valley Ho.
In all seriousness we're lucky they didn't kick us out of the entire hotel. I'll give Valley Ho 2 stars for that and nothing more. Majorly overpriced for Scottsdale, the rooms seem futuristic in a cheap way and nothing stood out to me as cool. The pool area is nice but what pool isn't nice in mid-March when you're coming from 50 degree weather? It's obvious this place used to be a Best Western or some other cheap chain, you can dress a place up but the layout screams 2 star resort. The best part of the stay was seeing the look on the hostess' face when we all showed up at the restaurant for breakfast after being kicked out the night before. Get those bloody mary's ready bitch.
If they cut your group off of drinking while dining at the Valley Ho I'd suggest not bypassing the waitress and ordering straight from the bar, it'll get you 86'd faster than trying to dry hump your date in an 8th grade dance.