| - I had an appointment with MomDoc after having a positive home pregnancy test. When I arrived, the waiting room was packed. There isn't a front office, just a waiting room, and you need to wait for someone to come out from the back to check in for your appointment which is something I haven't experienced at a medical office before.
I had given a urine sample, but neither the nurse or the nurse practitioner told me at any point that they had conducted a test to confirm the pregnancy. I found this to be odd because the whole purpose of my appointment was to confirm that the home pregnancy test was correct.
The nurse practitioner was friendly, but didn't give us any information. So, when she asked if we had any questions we weren't left with much to ask because we weren't told anything on the forefront. (For the record - I had a second appointment and meeting with a different doctor's office and the nurse practitioner sat with us for over 45 minutes to make sure we understood everything that was currently going on, what to expect, and how our future appointments would go which is what I had expected at my MomDoc appointment).
A couple of weeks after my appointment, I was sent a letter by mail which said that I had been enrolled in a maternity program for billing purposes. The numbers on this letter were quite high and I was confused because nothing about this type of billing was explained to me. I also hadn't signed anything giving my consent to participate in this billing program or anything that explained I would be responsible for a lump sum rather than paying per office visit.
Needless to say, I wasn't especially displeased with my experience, but have chosen not to go back due to the reasons listed above.