My husband and I both had LASIK with dr. Siems. His staff was great, and we were very excited. Our surgery went off without a hitch, and we were very happy. BUT several months later, I needed a touch up in one eye (for reading), and 6 months later, I needed yet another touch up. i had mono-vision surgery originally (one eye was corrected for distance and one eye was corrected for reading). I went in to talk to Dr Siems as I didn't want to have to get a touch up every 6 - 8 months. He was actually annoyed that I was wasting his time if I didn't want to get another touch up. He told me that I couldn't expect to be able to see for distance and close up - although he had originally told me I would be able to have both corrected. Since I didn't want a touch up - he left the room and sent in someone else to talk to me about reading glasses. I guess once you quit paying for corrective services at $500 per touch-up the good doctor has no need for you. His follow-up is poor and his respect for his patients is even worse.