Publix is off to a bad start in York County. They obviously have not dome enough research for the Charlotte area market. First, the York County store is charging sales tax on food items which is illegal. They are only refunding the money to customers who request it at customer service. Second, they only double coupons up to 5o cents; Harris Teeter and Bi-lo do up to 99 cents in the Charlotte market. Third, their prices are just as high as HT with fewer specials. You can have all the clean stores and customer service you want, but people go for price which is Wal-mart sells more groceries than HT in the area. Many people say the Publix stores are clean. Well duh, not only are the stores new but they are brand new buildings. That is like saying a brand new house or car is clean. Publix needs to bring it a little more if they want to succeed in Charlotte. So far, they remind me of Lowe's Foods and look how they did in the area.