so... basically if you -must- try schwartz's (and you probably should if you're a tourist) get there when they open. there aren't enough seats or enough shelter so you'll be standing in the rain, the cold, and whatever weather montreal has to offer. (that's all, right?) we walked right by it and kept on going because we weren't "hungry" yet... i could have made myself eat if i knew coming back 45 minutes later meant waiting 45 minutes on top of that.
the good thing about standing in line is that i had the opportunity to listen to a native talk to other natives that had never been there about what to order. here's what we got: smoked meat plate, fries, pickles, and cott cherry soda. here's what i learned.
SMOKED MEAT. do not get the smoked meat plate for two people. three people, that would work. for two, it's a lot and getting individual sandwiches is CHEAPER. they serve fresh sliced bread with it.
FRIES. do not get the fries. if you think you can knock out to local food groups (poutine) keep looking. they don't have it here. save the room for the meat plate you just ordered despite my recommendation.
PICKLES. definitely get a pickle but be warned, it's a la carte and not cheap.
SODA. definitely get the cott cherry soda. there's something about it that enhances everything else.
that is all. eat up.