It's a Costco! It's fairly standard as far as a Costco goes. I have noticed a few more upscale items here and there, usually in the jewelry case or clothing area. Sometimes there's some more unique dishes in the food sections (like Kerrygold butter). Of course, YMMV.
And the one unique thing about this Costco, is that the food stand sells Gelato! 1.50 for 3 scoops in a cone or cup, about 5 for a good sized hand packed take home container (forgot the size, but never ordered it). Try getting 3 scoops for under 2 dollars anywhere else.
Oh, the gelato comes in 3 flavors: mixed berry, pistachio, and vanilla with chocolate chunks.
Gas seems a little more expensive relative to other Costco's in the Valley though. Don't know why.
Oh, pricing is based on how much damage you'll end up doing to your wallet, not necessarily value. There's excellent value to be had here; price per unit costs are far lower than anywhere else generally.