I have only had bad experiences with this airline. I haven't flown them for over 10 years because the last experience I had was so awful! Well, due to extenuating circumstances, my husband and I needed to get last minute tickets from nyc to sfo. We had a connecting flight in Charlotte. Before we left LaGuardia we were noticed that the flight was going to be delayed by an hour and a half (this was well before 6pm EST). Upon arrival in Charlotte we were informed that the flight would be further delayed (another hour). As we had time, we decided to sit and eat dinner. As we started walking towards the gate we were informed again that the flight was further delayed. This time until 2am the next day. This would put us in SFO at 5am(ish). We were originally scheduled to arrive a little after midnight. What baffles me is that US Airways management could have trouble shoot the problem.... but didn't. They were well aware of the problem before 6pm, yet NOTHING was done or even attempted until it was too late. I am remaking a promise I made 10 years ago to NEVER fly them again. I encourage anyone readying this to do yourself a favor and pay extra if you have to so not to fly US Airways. They are poorly managed and even more poorly run!