Sometimes you just need to go wander around in a bookstore for a few hours right? Maybe a title or cover art will grab you and when you get home you will actually read something instead of watching reruns of keeping up with the Kardashians. What? You won't? Yea probably not...
Look I get it- I have Amazon prime. The bookstore is probably going the way of the Dinosaur. Online is cheaper, more convenient blah blah blah. But you know what? I still enjoy shopping around in an actual bookstore looking at titles, judging other people based on their purchase of teen vampire novels, buying overpriced coffee.
I get most of my stuff online, but I still try to get at least 1 out of 3 books in an actual store to support them financially so that there will always be a place I can go to kill time between other more important things like getting southwest egg rolls at Chilis and then getting a shake at Which Wich.
In terms of book stores though it's not like there is any competition in the area so Barnes and Nobles it is. I don't like that 90% of the store is dedicated to young adult, self improvement, and origami kits but I guess those are just the trends these days. Plus it gives me something to complain about in my snooty voice to any employee unlucky enough to engage me in conversation.