| - 3.5 stars ... if you treat this more as a true grocery store and not the Trader Joe's the media have been pushing, it's a great spot.
The media truly hyped this spot with it's phrase of "Canadian Trader Joe's". For all those who know about Trader Joe's, you know thats the awesome spot in the USA to find super affordable and great house brand snacks, cheeses, drinks, alcohol (2 buck chuck anyone? ugh), and did I mention snacks??
With that in mind, I came to Farm Boy and realized it's not a Trader's Joe. Rather it's a step up from a regular grocery store but certainly not in the same pantheon as Trader Joe's. The size is similar to a Longo's. So you can do all your shopping here if you wanted and it has enough variety.
With a focus on local and organic, I can appreciate the enthusiasm from other reviews. If I were very focused on only sourcing organic, this would be a great spot as the organic is not a 2 ft by 2 ft spot in a corner somewhere. There is a lot of fruit and vegetable offerings in addition to a decent butcher area. Looking at the prices, it sits somewhere in the Loblaws price range for normal organic ... I do have to admit one thing, the items here look better than some of the wilted items at Loblaws.
One thing that Farm Boy takes on that other places don't do very well... the ready made items. Nearly a quarter of the floor space is dedicated to their pre-made salads, sandwiches, sushi, deli, pasta, soup, and pizza area. Looking at the condition of everything, nothing looks gross but some things were looking at little aged. I guess you can't expect too much when it's 2 hour before close. Judging the weight of some items, your take out meal can easily hit over $15. For just take out, it does give me pause but if it's made with only organic items... maybe it's worth it. Though I never saw signage that spelled that out.
As for the organization of the store... full kudos. It's clean, it's bright, it's well spaced, and at 7 pm in the evening, there's enough parking that it feels like a regular suburbia store.
Lastly... the snacks. This is what brought me here to Farm Boy originally. It's safe to say the small area is definitely a smaller footprint than a Trader Joe's. Sure they had some interesting few items like the Farm Boy maple chocolate covered nuts but it was really a few shelves. Definitely not the eye catching and hunger inducing offering of the Trader Joe's.
So if you're looking for a locally focused grocery store, this would be a good spot to check out. Seeing how the parking lot is small and the other reviews say it's mayhem during the day, perhaps check out during the evening. Just leave your media commentary off to the side and you'll like this spot.