Less than * is now what I previously thought was a good practice. Wait 2 hours and get nasty attitude when asked when my turn would be after being ignored. Room full of sick people and no one is moving.
Terrible service - no call back by Doctor or nurse-only rude-incompetent staff that probably never give the doctors the message anyway.
Only interested in billing for office visit when you might not need to be exposed to a room full of sick people if doctors talked to patients.
Never experience of such terrible uncaring practice. Wasn't always this way but something very wrong there now. Do yourself a favor find another practice that have Doctors don't allow staff upfront to treat people like cattle. Find a practice where Doctors actually communicate with their patients. Everyone has electronic email communications now. It's not too much to expect to be able to talk to your about a issue without having to sit like a puppet waiting for someone to yank the string.
Patient's have rights too - we are free to go elsewhere - so that what I will do for my health and welfare.