I like spicy. I mean I like to sweat from the bridge of my nose when I eat. When they asked how hot I wanted my green curry chicken, I did a double take. "Isn't green curry spicy by definition?" They told me they make it in varying degrees of spiciness for the ASU crowd. While I disagree with diluting the authenticity of the traditional preparation, I get it - they have a business to run. What I really don't like is how they do it. They make a mild green curry...er, no, green sauce. Then, upon ordering, they add a certain amount of red chili flakes depending on how spicy you want it. This is not only upsetting philosophically, but chili flakes need time to cook in a curry - you don't just drop in, stir and serve. I get the sense that this problem is rampant in Arizona; hope to find a solution soon.