| - This is my go to LVAC for several reasons.
A. It's close to my house.
B. It doesn't feel like Glob-gym that some of the other locations feel like.
C. It's less well-known.
D. This location is full of all sorts of people with varying fitness levels. (Old, young, fat, fit).
E. You can't see the Ladies Only gym at all unless you're a lady. Also, this location doesn't have sauna and steam rooms in the ladies locker room (other locations offer this).
F. The place is clean.
G. It's not overly crowded. Lots of machines available and tons of equipment.
H. Classes can be a bit limited because of its smaller size, but class size is also smaller, and I find that speaking to instructors here is less intimidating (if you're the timid type).
I. The staff is friendly and extremely helpful.
J. There's different levels of membership that gave verifying price tags. (Add ins: child care, towel service, personal training, racquetball)
K. There is also a smoothie, juice, snack, post-pre-workout bar.
L. There is a pool and aqua classes. A sauna, a steam room, and a jacuzzi.
LVAC was the most reasonably priced, open 24 hours, you're able to use all locations, and is a great value. Also, they have an app with their class schedules posted. Definitely a fan!