Trusts? Wills? Estate Planning? It may as well be rocket science because in both cases I would be the hands in the air, shrugging emoji and the "How to for Dummies" books just weren't doing it for me.
Thankfully, for me (and you) there is Cooper Coons. My husband & I had the opportunity to work with Jeremy and his staff to set up our first family trust and will. He went out of his way (quite literally) to meet with us and make the process as painless as possible. Like I mentioned before legal jargon is VERY unfamiliar to me. He was able to explain complex terms in a way that my simple brain could comprehend. I never felt rushed, confused, or like they were being dishonest or taking shortcuts. I felt truly taken care of.
I was also a little apprehensive about doing this since at all, since we are a young family and don't have a lot of $$$$ in the bank yet. However, I not only felt like they were glad to have my business but almost as if they were proud of me for doing this big scary adult thing. They just seem like really good people... Really smart good people.
I would highly recommend this legal firm to anyone, in fact my parents have used them too. Can't get much more trust worthy than passing it on to the good ole' parents eh?