Michaels is a great store but this location is horribly ran by Assistant Store Manager Valerie.... I got off my couch today due to them having a 1 day sale for Christmas bakeware items I saw on their website for buy 2 get 1 free. Upon my arrival the store had what I wanted even better they had 40% off of the selection I needed I get to the front Valerie tells me she has never heard of this deal I said your the manager it's on your website for today only... So I purchased my items because I was getting upset with her non customer service skills and search their website I pull it up and then she says it's off regular price items It said a excludes clearance not sale price. Then she tried to pull it up on her phone she claims she couldn't find it then another associate comes up and pulls it up on her phone.... Oh but it wasn't a deal before yeah right..... Next they try to "school" me on Michaels coupons I have been using their coupons forever they are a very great store with coupon usage. She even had the audacity to say I can charge you the regular price and then honor the coupon and not give you 40% off but your going to owe me more money.... What lady bye I will call Michaels on Monday Morning... What type of customer service is that NONE.... Of course everyone wants the best deal available it's only for today