My boyfriend bought me a ring from this JC Penney's and we took it there to get it sized. It was the most frustrating experience I have ever dealt with. I spoke with three different employees about when my ring would be in to pick up and every single person had a different story. I have never been so angry at customer service representatives and I thought since I was getting the run around they lost my ring. So you are probably wondering why I gave them four stars and that is because at the end of the process they actually gave my the BEST customer service I have ever had despite all of the frustration the past few weeks. AMY was very helpful and on top of that Yvonne the store manager actually came to my house to deliver my ring. I could not believe they offered to do that and after everything I have a lot of respect for the customer service they did end up offering. Amy and Yvonne were amazing and they both made my experience much better.